Sonntag, 6. März 2016

How to live sustainable

A good way to live sustainable is not to eat meat from factory farming and meat which comes from other regions. We are producing very much
CO2 and other pollutants every time a plane or ship is used to import or export food for example. We should focus on regional products
which could also be better in quality. Another possibility is to eat better meat but less times a week. Factory farming is also bad because we
use much soil and an extreme amount of water to produce the food in factory farming. Only one kilogram of beef need barely15.000 literwater
for production. Pork needs around 6.000 liter, poultry meat over 4.000 liter. A kilogram of Potatoes for example just need around 100 liter.
Beef for example also needs up to 49 square meters of soil for a kilogram and poatoes only 0,25 square meters. Another problem is that we
throw away too much garbage. Every year we throw 20 tons food away which are 500.000 trucks. Seven of these 20 tons are thrown by private
households. And the amount of food we throw away needs around 30% of the whole amount of our soil on earth to be produced. And we could
save a quarter of our water consumption that is used for the food if we won't throw it away. Everyone of us also produce over 2 tons of emission
that is revelant for our climate every year. Because of that it is helpful just to use the car if it is necessary and otherwise we can use the bike to
reduce exhaust fumes. This would decrease the amount and it is also healthier for us. Packaging is another problem that we have to handle.
Very much plastic is thrown away into the ocean or on nature what is really bad. To use more efficient packaging would also help sustainability.
Another point is energy. To live sustainable we need to use renewable energy like wind energy, solar energy or geothermic energy.
But geothermic energy maybe will be a big problem because interventions in the layers of earth can cause serious consequences.
Other methods to live sustainable are not to waste too much water when washing your hands or when washing clothes.
A household with two persons can save over 30 kilograms of produced CO2 and also money.

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